What God's Been Doing
Wow! I just looked and saw that it's been a month since I last posted. I can't believe how quickly time has gone (it's such a cliche phrase, but so true). In my last post I said I wanted to keep from being too exhaustive, so now I'm going to share what's been going on in my heart/life since I arrived to NTBI in Jackson, MI. About seven weeks ago, I started the newest phase in my life - coming back to Bible school with a mind set for tribal missions. From the first week, God has been working in and on my heart to change me for His glory. I can see this is probably to prepare me for a secluded life away from convenience and comfort where much less time to study His Word will be possible. He's been teaching me about His grace. He's been teaching me about my focus. He's been teaching me about loving others. I believe it was only the second week of school when I started a class called "Spiritual Disciplines From a Grace Perspective", it's qui...